Statement on Marriage

Marriage is a lifelong vocation of a man and a woman to a community of life and love open to children, and, between the baptized, it is a Sacrament. Aware of the many pressures today which can endanger family life, the Church is constantly concerned to make sure that those of you planning to marry are prepared as well as possible. We would like to remind those who wish to marry of the following:

  1. It is important that a couple go to see their priest in good time before their wedding. Normally, at least six months notice should be given.
  2. Marriage preparation is carried out by the Priest, often assisted by a group from the parish. Courses arranged on a deanery basis are recommended.
  3. Catholics are reminded of their obligation to preserve their faith and to do all they can within the unity of their partnership to have all their children baptized and brought up in the faith and practice of the Catholic Church.
  4. Non-Catholic partners will be informed of this promise, but they are not asked to make this or any similar promise.
  5. Dispensation for a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic to take place in a non-Catholic Church can only be granted for a serious reason. Couples who wish to marry in a non-Catholic Church should discuss the matter with their priest in good time before their wedding day to see whether a dispensation could be granted.

All couples marrying these days need the support of the local Church. In this way, they will be strengthened in their preparation for marriage, in celebrating their marriage, and in living out their covenant with one another.

We wish to thank all those married people who show such constancy and fidelity to their vocation of marriage. May their example inspire those planning to marry in the Church.

~ Right Reverend Patrick McKinney (Bishop of Nottingham)

(This statement remains on the website throughout the year because the Bishop asks for it to be published in February and October each year)

Scripture Study!

The Scripture Group

The Parish Scripture Group started up again on Tuesday 21 May, when we began to read St John’s Gospel.  Meetings start at 7.45 p.m. in the Frassati Centre – please arrive promptly or you might not be able to get in! If you would like to know more about the group please contact Fr Richard at New members are always welcome.

Previous Session on the Letter to the Hebrews (Audio Recordings)

Previous Session on St Mark’s Gospel (Audio Recordings)

Earlier Recordings can be found here.

A People who Hope in Christ

A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The radiance of the risen Lord shines upon us. At a time when so many shadows are cast into our lives, and upon our world, the light of the resurrection shines forever to renew and restore our hope. In the words of our Holy Father, Pope Francis: ‘In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: he is risen and is living by our side.’ (27 March 2020)

[please click the link below to read the full message]

A People who Hope in Christ

The Frassati Centre for Preaching and Evangelisation

Over the last few months, we have indicated the plans we are developing for a new pastoral centre here at Holy Cross – The Frassati Centre for Preaching and Evangelisation. This would seek to breathe new life into the original church buildings that we knew as the ‘Holy Cross Centre’. We’ve assembled £180k so far to develop these buildings, and we are seeking to embark on a major fundraising project as we look towards our bicentenary. There’ll be lots to talk about in the weeks ahead. Please come along to the events next weekend, 2nd March.

WHO IS BLESSED PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI? He’s the inspiration for our new initiative with developing our buildings and our apostolate, but who is he? He’s a lay Dominican, whose life was marked by living the Dominican Charism in his everyday life. He was deeply devoted to prayer and study, and he inspired great fellowship with his contemporaries, and devoted himself to the service of others, especially the most vulnerable members of the community. We look forward to getting to know him more closely as we develop our apostolate.

IMAGE OF BLESSED PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI We want to foster devotion to this Dominican Beatus. At 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 3rd March 2019, Fr Robert Gay, prior of our community in Oxford, will bless an image, as we prepare to enshrine Blessed Frassati in our church.  Please do come along.

holy cross school reception play area

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School was founded by the Dominican Order here in Leicester in 1817.  From 1824, it operated from the Old School House on Wellington Street; it is now situated on Stonesby Avenue in the Saffron Lane area of Leicester.  If you would like a place for your child at this wonderful school, please contact the school office, tel: 0116 2833 135.  Visitors are welcome; come and have a look around.  Currently there are a few places left in the Nursery, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3.

Head Teacher: Gail Neill

Chair of Governors: Fr. David Rocks O.P.

Please keep our school community in your prayers.