Ensuring our Church looks Welcoming for All
So much progress has already been made improving the internal appearance of our church, to ensure it is a beautiful and uplifting space for regular worshippers and occasional visitors.
But more work needs to be done on the exterior, to encourage many to come inside and discover the treasure that is Holy Cross!
Landscaping: Paving, Planters, Railings
The church grounds offer an area of open space within the centre of Leicester. We are planning to make this more welcoming by landscaping it, improving the paving and introducing railings and planters. This will encourage members of the public to enjoy using this space, while discouraging some of the antisocial behaviour we have sometimes experienced here.
Windows & window security
Recent vandalism caused serious damage to our windows. As well as replacing them, we will introduce proper security to avoid this happening again.
Roofs, gutters & downpipes, drainage
We have fallen behind on some of the essential maintenance for our historic buildings, including protecting them from the elements. We now have some funds earmarked for this purpose, though we still need to fix the water damage inside the church that resulted from problems with the roof.
Repairs to stonework
To present our best face to passers-by, as well as to ensure the structural integrity of the building, various repairs are neeeded to the stonework.
Raised: £110,000
To Find: £165,000
Timetable: complete by Sept 2020
Please help us to achieve our goals!
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