Statement on Marriage

Marriage is a lifelong vocation of a man and a woman to a community of life and love open to children, and, between the baptized, it is a Sacrament. Aware of the many pressures today which can endanger family life, the Church is constantly concerned to make sure that those of you planning to marry are prepared as well as possible. We would like to remind those who wish to marry of the following:

  1. It is important that a couple go to see their priest in good time before their wedding. Normally, at least six months notice should be given.
  2. Marriage preparation is carried out by the Priest, often assisted by a group from the parish. Courses arranged on a deanery basis are recommended.
  3. Catholics are reminded of their obligation to preserve their faith and to do all they can within the unity of their partnership to have all their children baptized and brought up in the faith and practice of the Catholic Church.
  4. Non-Catholic partners will be informed of this promise, but they are not asked to make this or any similar promise.
  5. Dispensation for a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic to take place in a non-Catholic Church can only be granted for a serious reason. Couples who wish to marry in a non-Catholic Church should discuss the matter with their priest in good time before their wedding day to see whether a dispensation could be granted.

All couples marrying these days need the support of the local Church. In this way, they will be strengthened in their preparation for marriage, in celebrating their marriage, and in living out their covenant with one another.

We wish to thank all those married people who show such constancy and fidelity to their vocation of marriage. May their example inspire those planning to marry in the Church.

~ Right Reverend Patrick McKinney (Bishop of Nottingham)

(This statement remains on the website throughout the year because the Bishop asks for it to be published in February and October each year)

Scripture Study!

The Scripture Group

The Parish Scripture Group has restarted, and meets on Tuesday evenings from 3rd September, reading St John’s Gospel.  Meetings start at 7.45 p.m. in the Frassati Centre – please arrive promptly or you might not be able to get in! If you would like to know more about the group please contact Fr Richard at New members are always welcome.

Previous Session on the Letter to the Hebrews (Audio Recordings)

Previous Session on St Mark’s Gospel (Audio Recordings)

Earlier Recordings can be found here.

Holy Cross Priory Altar

Parish News

The Scripture Group

The Parish Scripture Group will restart on January 14th. We are reading St John’s Gospel. New members are always welcome. Contact for more information.

A Letter for Safeguarding Sunday from Bishop Patrick 14th May 2023

Link to Safeguarding Sunday Letter


  • Fundraising Buffet Supper: this will take place at the Chef and Spice Restaurant, 1 Andrewes Street, LE3 5PG, on Monday 18 March at 7 p.m. £20 for all you can eat, with a wide range of food available, and £10 per head will go to parish funds. Thanks to the restaurant for hosting it, and to Tony and Liz Scarborough for organising it: please contact them for more information and to book – booking is essential! Call Tony on 07940 906510 or Liz on 07984 479109.

Lay Dominicans

The lay Dominicans normally meet on 2nd Saturday of the month between 11am and 3pm in St Clement’s hall at the Frassati centre and attend the 12.30 mass. Chapter prayers are said in Lady chapel. Ask one of the friars if you want to know more.

Children’s Liturgy for those aged 3-6- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Our weekly ‘Catechisis of the Good Shepherd’ sessions on Sundays are run by Ellie Calderon. Each week at 10am parents/carers will need to drop their child (ren) off via the main parish hall entrance where they will be guided by the catechist’s to the children’s Atrium. At the end of the session parents/carers will need to collect their child(ren) at 11am during the offertory where they will re-join the mass until the end.  If your child(ren) is aged between 3-6 and you would like them to take part in these sessions please email Ellie Calderon at  Thanks!  Ellie Calderon


Please read the Diocesan Support and Prayer for Ukraine from Bishop Patrick. We are still taking donations. 

Mass Times

For church opening times for Mass and livestream schedule on HolyCrossTV Leicester, please see side bar.

From the Office

  • Rosary prayer group is being held every other Thursday at 10:30am in St Clements Hall. Families are welcome. For more information and to confirm attendance contact Ellie on 07961297228. 
  • Please see the Statement on Marriage from the Diocese by Bishop Patrick McKinney.

From the Bursar

  • Ukrainian Appeal: We are continuing to collect money to buy food and medicine, and to provide transport to help people in Ukraine. So far well over £3,000 has been sent to our sisters and priests who work all over Ukraine. Many thanks!

Catholic Students at Uni of Leicester (UoL) & De Montfort Uni (DMU)

  • If new, please fill in the student forms at the New Walk door of the church

March Newsletter

Please see news and events outside the parish. Visit Diocese of Nottingham website for news from the diocese.